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  • Writer's picturetracyimle

Thought of the Day - 4/20/20

“Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer” (Acts 3:1).

Jeremy wasn’t very consistent in his worship attendance. He’d get up and go to a Sunday service if there wasn’t anything better to do or he didn’t want to sleep in. To tell the truth, Jeremy wasn’t very regular in other religious activities such as prayer, meditation or the reading of scripture. Jeremy didn’t really think all of that stuff mattered. His faith was between him and God—it was personal. The institutional church and its religious trappings were not important. Occasionally Jeremy would wonder why God seemed so distant and uninvolved in his life.

The disciples walked with Jesus but they never stopped practicing their faith as pious Jews. They attended synagogue services with Jesus and when in Jerusalem they went to the temple at the appropriate hour for prayer. The disciples understood that those religious practices honored God and nurtured their faith. As disciples of Jesus our faith is more than personal and though it is a gift, faith should not be taken for granted.

Precious Lord, you have gathered us into a relationship with you. May we never neglect or take our relationship with you for granted. Amen

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