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Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Happenings


Coming Attractions:

On Sunday June 13th Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Clearbrook will be having a vintage car and tractor show from 3-5:00 pm with a fish fry starting at 5:00 pm. You are welcome to come and look at all the vintage cars and tractors, join in on the children’s games, and enjoy a fish fry. There will be a free will offering taken but this event is for the community. Please come and enjoy yourself. Thanks

On Saturday, June 19 Mission Outreach will hosting a painting class from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Class size will 12-18 with the cost being $45.00 which includes all painting supplies with the finish sized painting being 12 x16. To sign up contact Bonnie Kirchman (776-3633) or Heidi Johnson (218-766-8000). Please sign up by June 6th.

There will be other craft days during the coming year.

For the summer from June through August we are having a weekly 6:30 Wednesday night worship service in addition to our Sunday morning worship services. Our Wednesday nights will focus on what Jesus says about himself and will be a more casual service than our Sunday morning ones.

We also will have monthly family outings or fun night at church and at other sites beginning in summer with the car show and a pool night during July with a possible bonfire in August. Possible fall outings include movie night at church, bowling, etc. Stay tuned.

Starting in September we will have a four week zoom study entitled “You are probably a Lutheran because your parents were, but what does being a Lutheran mean?”

We also will have a bible study 10:00 Monday Morning looking at the bible texts for the following Sunday. You bring your own coffee, but treats will be provided, and we will spend a hour diving into God’s Word together in preparation for the coming week.

In October we will have a four week zoom bible study looking at how God tells us what God wants us to do in this world.

In addition to these activities we will still have our men’s breakfast that meets at the Leonard café at 8:00 am on the first Thursday of the month.

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