Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Sunday School
We are excited to share God’s love with every child in a way that is nurturing and relevant to their faith journey. Good Shepherd Sunday School creates opportunities for kids to really discover and experience how God is working in their lives and how they are part of God’s Big Story!
During Sunday School at Good Shepherd, our children will grow in their faith, in relationship with one another, and explore key bible stories together with the age-appropriate curriculum.
Music & Tech
Darcy Hegg
Tiffany Kroulik
4Y Pre-School & Kindergarten
Chelsey Juberian
Kendall Nordlund
First & Second Grade
Nicole Larson*
Krysten Westrum
Third & Fourth Grade
Chelsey Ehlers
Hannah Marsh
Fifth & Sixth Grade
Ashley Nordlund
Gus Vettleson
Substitutes & Floats
Kaili Fawver, Kate Sander, Jill Bakken*, Cortney Severs, Amanda Nelson, & Jill Nelson
*Church Council Representative
Our goal is to create an environment where everyone can learn, share, and grow. Our behavior expectations are based on the Golden Rule:
Treat others as you would want to be treated.

We are often asked the question…
”What can I do to help?”
Following are some of the ways that you can support the Good Shepherd Sunday School:
Make Sunday School and Church a part of your life on a regular basis.
Serve as a substitute teacher.
Help with the children during the Christmas Program.
Share your craft experience or other talents.
Bring a special snack for the students one Sunday.
Help with Vacation Bible School.
Special Events
We have many additional events and celebrations throughout the year!
Please join us!
Sunday School Christmas Program
Blessing of the Backpacks
Rally Sunday
Bible Dedication Sunday
Confirmation Covenant Signing
Confirmation Begins
First Communion Lessons & Prep
Lenten Wednesday Supper & Worship
Holy Week
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday & Breakfast
Celebration Sunday
Vacation Bible School