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  • Writer's picturetracyimle

Thought for the Day - April 18, 2020

”All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4a).

The word for “gift” in Greek is “charisma.” In the 60’s and 70’s, churches experienced The Charismatic Movement which focused on God’s gift of the Holy Spirit to individuals. People would have a spiritual experience, be “filled” with the Holy Spirit and display some of the gifts of the Spirit. The most common gift was that of speaking in tongues. Not everyone had this experience nor did everyone speak in tongues. This led some people who had not been “filled’ to become envious of those who had. Some of those who were able to speak in tongues fell into the temptation of thinking they were better Christians than those who had not received the Spirit or any gifts. It was not a healthy situation.

On the first Pentecost every one of the disciples and followers of Jesus were filled with the Spirit. No one was left out. Everyone received the Spirit because everyone was called to carry out the ministry of Jesus. They could only do this through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We may not have a spiritual experience, or speak in tongues, but all of us have received the Holy Spirit. Most of us received the Holy Spirit at our Baptism, some of us at other times. But the Holy Spirit makes it possible to be a part of the ministry of Jesus by attending to the needs of others, and by sharing God’s love and grace through our words and deeds.

Jesus, you have called us to continue the ministry that you started while on earth. Through your Spirit give us the faith, courage and power to accomplish the tasks you have set before us. Amen.

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