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Writer's picturetracyimle

Thought for the Day - April 19, 2020

“Began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them ability” (Acts 2:4b).

Dr. Cindy Michaels started a medical clinic in a tough neighborhood. She opened it the clinic because she felt the clinic was a way to use her gifts and skills to minister to the needs of the neighborhood and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Eleanora is a retired school teacher. She decided that she would use her teaching skills to help tutor children in her congregation’s after school program. Over several years Eleanora helped scores of school children to learn and she shared God’s love with every one of them.

The Holy Spirit gave the disciples the ability to speak in other languages in order that they could communicate the gospel. Jews from all over the known world made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the celebration of Pentecost. By the power of the Holy Spirit the disciples were able to share the good news of Jesus with the gathered people. People heard the gospel in their own language and many of them responded the words of the disciples and became members of the growing Christian community.

We may not speak foreign languages. The Spirit still is able to use us to communicate God’s love and grace with others, though. Through our words and deeds the Holy Spirit touches the lives of the people around us and transforms their lives by giving them the gift of faith.

Gracious God, anoint our words and deeds so that the people around us can be touched by your Spirit and respond in faith. Amen.

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