“But Peter said, ‘I have no silver or gold’” (Acts 3:6).
Sometimes money isn’t the answer. It is easy for us to drop a few extra dollars into the collection plate or write a check to help out with a specific need or ministry. We walk away pleased that we were able to respond to a need. At other times we may not have the financial resources to respond to a need. We pass the plate to the person beside us, in such situations, and tell ourselves that we might be able to help next time.
As a busy professional woman Jazel Jenkins found it all too easy to write a check when a need presented itself. Other people saw Jazel as a very generous person. Jazel knew she couldn’t just write a check when asked to help a young family whose wife/mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She decided that she could help the family by cooking an occasional meal and by scheduling to spend a couple of hours each week on their household chores.
Peter and John didn’t have money. If they did they too might have been tempted simply to drop a few coins in the beggars bowl. Even though they didn’t have money, the man was still in need. Peter and John responded to that need.
God of abundance, forgive us when we convince ourselves that money is the solution to all the needs we see. Amen.
Source: asanefaith.com, Posted on April 19, 2020by Kevin Ruffcorn