“But what I have I give to you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth stand up and walk” (Acts 3:6).
Peter and John didn’t have money to give to the lame man. In truth, the man needed more than their money. Money would have been only a short-term solution for the beggar. His friends would have needed to bring him to the temple’s gate again the following day. Peter and John did have what the lame man needed. In a show of miraculous, divine power the man was healed. His needs were entirely met.
A demonstration of intense, miraculous, divine power may not be in our near future, but we do have the ability to minister to the needs of others. The Holy Spirit has been given to us and as members of the Body of Christ great things can be accomplished through us. We can bring healing as did Peter and James. In fact the reality that our work takes patience, tenacity and steadfast love may make it an even greater demonstration of miraculous and divine power.
Holy Spirit, use us and demonstrate your power so that God may be glorified. Amen.
Source: asanefaith.com, Posted on April 19, 2020by Kevin Ruffcorn