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Writer's picturetracyimle

Thought of the Day - 4/24/20

“Jumping up, he stood and began to walk” (Acts 3:8a)

It had been several months since the car accident. Maria had spent those months recovering from her significant injuries. Her legs and back needed to be repaired and healed. When enough healing had taken place, Maria needed to learn to walk again. Until then she was confined to a wheelchair. The day came, though, when she was able to lock the wheels of the chair, stand up and walk. Taking her first steps Maria knew that she was free once again.

In the gospel of John Jesus proclaims that if he makes a person free, that person is totally free (8:36). The lame man was healed and he was made free. Certainly he was free from the pallet on which he sat and was carried. He was also free of his total dependency on others. He was free from the judgment and the ridicule of others and the lame man was free to worship.

We may be able to walk but that may not indicate that we are totally free. Like the lame man, the Holy Spirit may need to move in our lives and free us from everything that confines and burdens us.

Mighty Lord, set us free so that we may be free to serve. Amen.

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