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March 28th Bulletin

Thought of the Day - 4/20/20

“Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer” (Acts 3:1). Jeremy wasn’t very consistent in his worship attendance....

Good Shepherd Worship Service

Join Pastor Bob in the Sunday Worship service from the Good Shepherd Sanctuary... Worship Service - Sunday, April 19th Or...listen to the...

Thought for the Day - April 19, 2020

“Began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them ability” (Acts 2:4b). Dr. Cindy Michaels started a medical clinic in a tough...

Worship Bulletin for April 19, 2020

Following is the worship bulletin for this Sunday. Enjoy! Good Shepherd/Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Sunday, April 19, 2020 Welcome to...

Thought for the Day - April 18, 2020

”All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4a). The word for “gift” in Greek is “charisma.” In the 60’s and 70’s, churches...

Thought for the Day - April 17, 2020

“A tongue [of fire] rested on each one of them” (Acts 2:3). Here, we have a picture of the disciples looking like human Bic lighters with...

Bible Story Time with Pastor Bob

Good Shepherd kiddos: Bible story time with Pastor Bob! Click the link to watch Pastor Bob begin reading out of the Spark Story Bible....

Thought for the Day - April 16, 2020

“It filled the entire house” (Acts 2:2c). Around here, sometimes we judge a restaurant by how much food we get more than how good it is. ...

Easter Sunday Worship

He is Risen! Join Pastor Bob in the Easter Worship service... Worship, Easter Sunday, April 12th

He Is Risen!

On this day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Our celebration is schedule to be in accord with the cycles of...

A Message for Good Friday

On this day we remember the death of Jesus. We read about His final hours, his betrayal, his death to remind ourselves about the lengths...

A Maundy Thursday Message

For each of the Three Days, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter, we will offer online worship. These are the three central days of...

Bible Story Time with Pastor Bob

Good Shepherd kiddos: Bible story time with Pastor Bob! Click the link to watch Pastor Bob begin reading out of the Spark Story Bible....

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